Quaker Reflections on Scripture
Quaker? Reflections? Scripture?
On this site you will find reflections on passages of the New Testament written by a member of the Religious Society of Friends, also known as Quakers.
They are composed in a spirit of reflection and meditation, but draw as well from the world of academic scripture scholarship.
This site does not teach or interpret the beliefs or practices of Quakerism. Many other websites do that.
Quakers write a great deal about themselves, their history, and their unique beliefs. But it is extremely difficult to find sustained Quaker reflections on and interpretations of texts from the Bible. If one believes the things Quakers believe, how does one then interpret Scripture?
That's the point of this site. It is not official or authoritative. It is highly personal. It is grounded in the academic study of scripture, but it is not academic and does not have footnotes nor scholarly references.
There are many different kinds of Quakers, and they believe rather different things about God, Christ, Scripture, ministry, and the like. If you are interested in knowing some of what I believe about these things, please visit the My Quaker Beliefs page. You may also read About Me to know a little of my biography. For understanding the reflections on this site, however, you don't need to read any of that.
There are two parts. The first part is a series of reflections on Jesus' "Sermon on the Mount," which early Christians remembered as the most important sermon he preached. The second part is a less frequent series of reflections on random New Testament passages about which I am praying or preaching.
Sermon on the Mount
Most recent are at the top. If you want to read in the order written, start at the bottom. Enjoy!